Why won't God take the pain away?

Sometimes people pray to God to take the pain away, and nothing happens.


Pain is the emotion that attends loss.

Loss, of course, is impossible, because we are really part of a seamless universe of love.

Pain is therefore the emotion that attends an illusion.

The illusion is that, within the universe, there is something special I need to be OK.

And that special thing has been taken from me.

My other god, my idol, has been taken away from me.

Or my other god, my idol, has been revealed to be hollow.

So I feel loss.

Except literally nothing has happened.

God cannot soothe the pain of losing something when nothing has been lost.

It is particularly impertinent to pray to God for relief from the pain of other gods being toppled.

That is like expecting comfort from one's wife when one's mistress has left.

Also, the pain cannot be removed on its own.

If the pain were removed but the illusion were retained, effect would be stripped from cause, and this would break the fundamental law of the universe: cause and effect. The result would be complete disorientation and could actually induce insanity.

And God will not make us insane in order to relieve the pain caused by an illusion.

What God can do is show us that the illusion is an illusion.

When the illusion is dispelled, the pain goes immediately, and it is as if it never was.


T-29.VII.1. Seek not outside yourself. 2 For it will fail, and you will weep each time an idol falls. 3 Heaven cannot be found where it is not, and there can be no peace excepting there. 4 Each idol that you worship when God calls will never answer in His place. 5 There is no other answer you can substitute, and find the happiness His answer brings. 6 Seek not outside yourself. 7 For all your pain comes simply from a futile search for what you want, insisting where it must be found. 8 What if it is not there? 9 Do you prefer that you be right or happy? 10 Be you glad that you are told where happiness abides, and seek no longer elsewhere. 11 You will fail. 12 But it is given you to know the truth, and not to seek for it outside yourself.

T-10.in.1. Nothing beyond yourself can make you fearful or loving, because nothing is beyond you. 2 Time and eternity are both in your mind, and will conflict until you perceive time solely as a means to regain eternity. 3 You cannot do this as long as you believe that anything happening to you is caused by factors outside yourself. 4 You must learn that time is solely at your disposal, and that nothing in the world can take this responsibility from you. 5 You can violate God's laws in your imagination, but you cannot escape from them. 6 They were established for your protection and are as inviolate as your safety.
