The necessity of prayer to restore order

There is no problem that prayer cannot solve. All resistance to reality comes from rebellion against God and the insistence on a different way. This can be unwound only through reconciliation with God.

Neat philosophies about the natural world and natural law that leave God out of the picture (but leave me and my consciousness in the picture) do not correct the original error.

One can attempt to delete the self completely in this picture and leave a smooth, uninterrupted lake of glass, but this cannot be completed, because there is a limit to what the deleter can delete: it cannot delete the faculty of deletion, so there is always a residuum, the fly in the ointment, the skeleton in the cupboard, the ghost in the machine, the disruption in the continuum sought.

The only way out of this is to recognise that the self and the Self do indeed exist and are real but are not the author of the universe: only an extension of the Source.

Then, right relations are restored.
