God is Infinite Power working through me

Today, I affirm:
I am not restricted by my human form. God is Infinite Power working through me, actively, into all of my affairs. I have perfect freedom to do God's will. God's will is always possible. God is not limited in His ability to work in my life but through my false belief in limitation. There is no limitation.

I was never born; I will never die; I am passing through this human form but have always lived and will always live eternally. The water captured in a drop reflects all the substance of the ocean, from whence it came, and to which it will return. The dissolution of the drop does not destroy the water.

I am subject not to the finite laws of the material world but to the infinite laws of God. To know my True Self, I must recognise my reality as Spirit, not as the form of the communication device (the body).

God is constantly showing me the truth of Reality, which is the freedom to live, and move, and have my being in him. God is lifting me up above foolish illusions about who and what I am, and God's light is banishing the dawn mists of fear, which are as nothing in the bright, warm light of the day, of Truth, of Reality. With God, I laugh at the madness of believing I am limited and bound.

Love is the substance of the universe, and I am eternally part of that substance.

Today, I pray without ceasing, because I live in constant faith. I am in conscious union with the Over-Soul. God is the ever-present Reality, and the only Reality there is. I am Whole and part of the greater Whole. All that is in Divine Spirit is within me, seeking to work through me into the world, in the never-ending activity of creation.

Today, I live in God, God's word lives in me, and as I ask, it shall be done unto me, and through me, into my life, and into the lives of all those I encounter.

Today, I live in the Spirit of Truth, and that Spirit lives in me. I open my consciousness to accept the full flow of Life into me, in me, and through me, out into the world of forms. My whole being, my beliefs, my values, my thoughts, my words, my deeds, my circumstances, my situation: everything is in the skilled, creative, and ever-loving hands of God, who is moulding each of these like a potter moulds clay.

Today, the Indwelling Presence is a light that lights every corner of my consciousness, banishing all fear, banishing all darkness.

Today, I fast from fear and feast upon faith: all that I need is given to me, right now, right here, and I need only open my eyes to see it. I am at the banquet of life, and I need but feast, recognising the Spirit as my Host. All are with me, joined with me in this banquet of life.

Today, I pray without ceasing to remain conscious at all times and in all ways that I am filled with Divine Spirit.

Today, change is possible. Love is the Agent that brings about change. God is Love. God is the Agent who brings about change. We are born of God. We are born of Love. Love is what and who we are. Anything that is not Love is not us.

Today, God is removing all that is not Love so that we can manifest as Love. God is the Agent who corrects all errors.

Today, we are welcomed Home, because we are already Home. We awake to the realisation we have never left Home except in dreams. God is always glad to see us return, that is to say, to awaken to what always was and what will always be. We are the prodigal son who never really left his Father's Home.

Today, we will attempt to change nothing by ourselves, for nothing can be changed by ourselves. Today, we plug ourselves into the only Power Source that exists. Love creates the space for us to grow into. Love creates spaces in the material realm for us to grow in and into. Love provides all tools, all resources, all insights, all reminders, all pathways for the Divine Agent to effect change in and through us.

Today, as we are changed, our view of everyone else, of the world, changes with us. Today, we see everyone else, the world, through God's eyes. Today, we accept everyone at the stage of development at which they find themselves and extend to them whatever appears necessary to move to the next square on the board. The precise Love that is needed is always available in the precise way it is needed: Love is a Fruit that is always in season.

Today, we let go of everything that is not Love and let God have his way, like a river flowing through a dry river bed. We need resist nothing that God has in store for us, because what God has in store for us is love.

Today, we recognise we are Loved because we are Love: we are Love Loved by Love. When we recognise the Love that is others, we recognise the Love that we are and the Love that is the Source of All.
