Spiritual bypass

It's all very well talking about us all being one, with lots of poetic and abstract language, and being nice to people on the basis of this.

But unless the mistake is unwound, pasting the solution on top of the mistake creates a state of denial, and what is denied will make its way out unconsciously.

What is the mistake?

The belief I have successfully usurped God's power, destroyed God's unity, created myself, escaped retribution from a vengeful God by hiding in the physical world, and projected out my guilt by seeing sin in others, who must be destroyed not only for this sinfulness but because they are competitors for the specialness I have stolen.

I have to look at this, really look at this, until I let go. Until then, the spiritual mumbo jumbo is one more cover for the ego's plot.

Incidentally, this is why using drugs to trigger a temporary 'spiritual awakening' or the 'gift' of a period of spiritual insight are actually dangerous in the long run, unless followed up by the same work that would have had to have been done by someone who had never glimpsed what's behind the curtain.

The ego's circuity will need to be decommissioned, which takes real work. There is nothing more disconcerting than someone who has seen a flash of truth but has never looked at themselves. The old scripts continue to play out in the behaviour, masked by the holy mantle of 'truth' and 'love' and 'spirituality', and the individual is completely unaware of what they are doing. Draw their attention to the acting out, and they flip into rage.

I'm afraid the short way round is the long way round: the process cannot be short-circuited.
