I can let my mind be in charge of itself, but if I do, the old programming code starts to run. I am at entire liberty to do this, but I am not at liberty to avoid the consequences. The question is this: do I want the programming code of my physical brain to be in charge? Specifically: do I want the results of that? The worry, the remorse, the morbid reflection?
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Welcome to the misery garden! Where everything grows gnarly and black, and, when you bend down to smell the grey flowers, they clamp shut on your face. What is remarkable is not that the misery garden still exists after all these years, but that I still heed its call, far too often. When it calls, I don't have to respond.
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The problem with distorted thinking is that what you see is actually there; it is just not as it appears to be. Don't try to pretend there's nothing there: but do recognise that the mind has distorted its perception.
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Don't try to think your way mechanically out of your mindset, attitude, or perception of a situation.
Rise to a Higher Level, from which inspiration from above is available.
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Sometimes, your own connection to the Higher Power is like a dial-up modem Internet connection from 1998, whereas what you need is 2020 fibre broadband. How do you get that? Go to a meeting and ask to hear God through those who are sharing. A loving God will then express himself in the Group Conscience.
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When you have asked God for God's will and you have your schedule, your list of things to do today, the 'clamouring voices' might continue to clamour. Occasionally, amongst them, is the voice of God, reminding you of something important you have forgotten, or suggesting a change in direction mid-course. But usually the voices are just the voices of the ego. It's OK to tell them to go away. Doing what we sincerely believe is God's will is genuinely enough. Don't try to convince the voices of that. They are not amenable to reason.
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