Corrective measures for 1 August 2020

I am one with God
What matters is my recognition of that
I am to wake up
I am to help others to wake up

The material world is a vehicle for learning
I receive my daily orders
From the Higher Power
The actions to perform in the roles I'm assigned

I never see the bluprint
I never understand, with certainty, why

I note outcomes
But value only the diligence with which I perform the duties
As the agent of God

Everything is OK
Not because it appears OK
But because OK-ness is its fundamental nature

The broken, dysfunctional, and disintegrated
Are OK as they are right now
Which does not mean that I do not have a role to play
To work towards rectification, function, integration
My question to God:
What is my role today?
What actions would you have me take today?

The only thing that is wrong
Is the perception that something is wrong
Which is the projection outwards of
The perception that there is something wrong
Which there is not
So I am mistaken
Nothing has happened
Eden is intact, whole, and unopposed
And extends to the ends of the universe
