God draws straight lines with broken pencils
Don't cry over broken pencils
Cease fighting anything or anyone
To everything that has been, 'thank you'
To everything that shall be, 'yes'
Spiritual principles will solve all our problems
Unspiritual principles will cause all our problems
See the good in everything
What you see is not what you're looking at, it's what you're looking with
'In other words, the whole universe has one Supreme Being, Who not only is the Creator of everything, but also is the Master, continually supervising every detail of his handiwork. The corollary of this is that there cannot be a single point in the whole order of the world which is separated from the Supreme Being, or in any way not subject to His control. At the same time it is obvious that the Supreme Being is also the Essence of Perfection and Goodness. And although many things in the world seem imperfect, and require completion or perfection, there can be no doubt that there is a perfect order in the world, and even the lowest in the scale of Creation, namely the inanimate things, display wonderful perfection and symmetry, as can be seen from the atoms and molecules of inorganic matter. Hence, the conclusion must be that even those things which require completion are also part of the perfect order, and necessary for the fulfillment of the good, .... It is explained ... that in order for a man to attain perfection, it is necessary that he should also have the feeling that he is not only on the receiving end, but also a contributor, and according to the expression of our Sages of blessed memory, “A partner in the Creation.” This is why many things have been left in the world for him to improve and perfect.'
We need but tell our minds, with certainty,
“The stillness of the peace of God is mine,”
and nothing can intrude upon the peace
that God Himself has given to His Son.
We ask God to direct our thinking
How often? On awakening. How many times today will I wake up?
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