Arriving at the one truth

Dissociation is where you're split into two parts. This would explain, for instance, presenting in a chirpy voice all of one's dark thoughts and feelings. There are two realities, except one isn't real. They can't coexist without the fake one being eliminated, so they must be kept separate. There are two people. There's the Monster, and there is the Person. The Monster has a plan for world domination. The Person is the one having the human experience. The Monster stays in charge most of the time, plotting, planning, fantasising, scheming, enacting, and getting high off the adrenaline. But the Person has to pay the price. When the Person gets home, and closes the door, and the world is shut out, the Person discovers the truth: the life built by the Monster is monstrous. Suicide is the only option, apparently. But this is not so, although a particular type of death is the answer. The way out is to bring the Monster together with the Person, to set out the truths next to each other, and let the Holy Spirit side with the Person. You are not the Monster. You are the Person. If the Monster wins, the Person will literally die. If the Person wins, the Monster will evaporate like early morning mist. It never existed. The Person is the only reality.
