Dissolution on the altar

What is upset? Not specific upset—any upset: resentment, anger, fear, hatred, anxiety, dejection. It arises from a collision between a perception of reality and a plan for reality. Only if these two are not in harmony can upset arise. Is upset caused by reality? Never: reality has only the meaning we give it through the perception we choose to adopt; pain comes this perception colliding with an ideal we are holding reality up against, in comparison. How do you eliminate upset? To some extent the perception can be changed, although a changed perception is more of a gift than a goal to work towards—in fact the most one can do typically is to remove one’s faith in one’s current perception of reality. What can be changed is the plan or ideal for reality we are comparing our perception of reality with: this can be laid at the altar and left there—for dissolution. The plan came from nothing and is nothing: it has no substance, no reality, no basis in God. Wake up from the dream. When the plan is dropped, even the perception of reality changes. As Max Frisch said: there are no natural disasters, only human disasters. Sometimes people say, ‘we’re only human.’ The truth is, we’re more than human, and from that vantage point everything will look different.
