A relationship with God is not for the faint-hearted. You
have to really want it. Why would a person really want it? Because they are
desperately sick of living with the emotions associated with being in self.
What does being in self mean? Thinking constantly about what other people think
about you, about what you think about you, about how other people are behaving,
and about what you want and need and how to get it or how you’re not getting
it. Fortunately, there is an alternative. Most people think that they can get
away with a tiny little bit of contact with God at the beginning and end of the
day and get the results of constant contact. That does not work. At any point
in time, we’re either listening to God’s voice or the voice of the ego. There
is no such thing as harmless empty thinking. If the problem of self is the
absence of God, the absence of God without any overtly selfish, fearful, or
unkind thoughts is still the absence of God. Whether or not the wasteland has
monsters is entirely secondary—it’s still a wasteland, and the appearance of
monsters is a matter of time. What this means is that if I want the results of
turning to God constantly I need to turn to God constantly in my thought and to
direct my action accordingly, with the sense at all times that the action is
ultimately directed by and is being carried out for God.
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