Little things

Doing God's will does not need to be dramatic. You can ask God, 'what shall I do this evening?' A good way to do this is to set a little timer and when the bell goes off after three minutes or one minute or however many minutes of quietly asking and listening for guidance, you go and do the thing that appears the most God-oriented thing to do following such a question-and-answer session, namely the action that is most about extending to others what was extended to you from God, namely love (i.e. utility, kindness, and cheer). So, this evening, I found somewhere to go and share how self has failed and how aligning Self (capital 'S', not 'self', with a lower case 's') with God has proved a much more effective way of living, and a much more joyful one. Of course the world didn't change, one might say. But perhaps it did. What if literally everyone went to God and asked how best they could extend love to whomever they should meet? What would that change? Well, everything.


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