Where is hope in a world in which physical death is
possible? Where is God where death is possible before an individual’s life has run
a satisfactory course? If you break off a walnut of dough from a larger piece,
it has all the same characteristics as the larger piece; if the walnut of dough
is discarded, ‘dough’ has not been destroyed, and still exists. If only the
walnut survives, and the main body of dough is discarded, the same is true. It
is impossible to die if we are one. The body can die but our consciousness is
part of a much greater whole. But what if humanity itself could be destroyed? Humanity—and
its corollary, consciousness—arose out of a potential for humanity and
manifested in this material plane; whatever happens in this material plane
cannot touch the plane in which the potentiality resides. The physicists tell us
of infinite multiple universes, perhaps parallel, perhaps consecutive. The
potentiality is real—nothing can have no cause—and that potentiality is
perfectly safe. That is where we come from; that is who we are: the potential
for infinite forms of life. If a particular form of life is destroyed, that
does not destroy the potential, nor the potential for future flourishing. Now
that has been settled, come back to earth and help awaken others; for those who
cannot be awakened, help make them comfortable, because comfort itself is an
echo of eternity.
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