God is everything

For a problem to be solved, the solution has to be more powerful than the problem. That means that God’s power must be bigger than the problem besetting me. Whenever a fear or a difficulty seems overwhelming, it is because the concept of God I have is too small. There are two options: enlarge my concept of God to be bigger than the problem, or make myself smaller, by recognising that my fear or difficulty is predicated on my assessment of a situation, and that my own assessment is flawed due to ignorance (‘strange mental blank spot’) and distortion of perspective (‘peculiar mental twist’). In other words, I need to admit I am colossally wrong, and as soon as I admit that, God floods in to fill the gap left by my ‘rightness’. The only solution to fear that has worked for me is recognising that God is everything and my own upset is an illusion enclosed within a universe of love.
