Everything is a disaster! (If your ego is to be believed, that is.) Certainly: at any given time, some people are suffering. At any given time, there are people speculating about future suffering. If you want to know about future suffering, newspapers and television news stations are really good sources of information. And yet the world turns on its axis; the birds migrate; the bumble bee buzzes lazily around the window; the redcurrants ripen; and somewhere it is raining and washing the dust off the leaves. A lot of unhappy people are sitting atop the universe, surveying its faults, and wringing their hands like the dreary Norns, spinning their tales of future woe. There is a different way: delegate everything upstairs, to God, and trust that, in your daily check-in with God, God will delegate back to you any particular action you are required to take to fulfil His vision and His will. Then your consciousness will be freed up to enjoy what is and to give what you can, right here, right now.
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